姓 名:张耀华
学 位:博士
职 称:讲师
2010.9—2014.6 本 科 东北师范大学数学与统计学院
2014.9—2021.6 博 士 首都师范大学数学科学学院
2021.9—2023.9 博士后 清华大学 数学科学系
2023.10—至今讲师爱游戏官方网站 爱游戏官方网站
1.Y. Sun andY. Zhang,Gluing simple-minded collections in triangulated categories.Journal of Algebra,645:54-85,2024.
2.Y. Zhangand B. Zhu,Ideal mutations in triangulated categories and generalized Auslander-Reiten theory.Journal of Algebra,644: 191-221, 2024.
3.J. Pan,Y. Zhangand B. Zhu, Support τ-tilting subcategories in exact categories.Journal of Algebra,636:455-482, 2023.
4.Y. Zhang, The finitistic dimension and global dimension of an Artinian ring with a dualizing complex.Frontiers of Mathematics(in China),18:953–960,2023.
5.Y. Zhang, Spectra of tensor triangulated categories over a category algebra---a new approach.Applied Categorical Structure,29: 1089–1097, 2021.
6.Y. Sun andY. Zhang,Ladders and completion of triangulated categories.Theory and Applications of Categories, 37(4): 95-10, 2021.
7.Y. SunandY.Zhang, A note on gluing cosilting objects.arXiv:2311.00920.
8.Y. SunandY.Zhang,Localization theorems for approximable triangulated categories. arXiv:2402.04954.
9.Y. SunandY.Zhang,N-fold module factorizations. arXiv:2406.09655.