报告名称:Results and problems on graph edge coloring---I
报告专家:Guantao Chen
报告地点: 爱游戏官方网站201会议室
报告摘要:An edge k-coloring of G is a mapping φ from E(G) to the set of integers [1,k] := {1, · · · , k}, called colors, such that no adjacent edges receive the same color under φ. The chromatic index of G, denoted χ′(G), is defined to be the smallest integer k so that G has an edge k-coloring. We say G is edge-
-critical or simply
-critical if G is edge-chromatic critical and χ′(G) =
+ 1. Vizing conjectured that
-critical graphs have some special structural properties. In this talk, we will present some recent progresses and still open problem on this topic.