At the morning ofSeptember 19,professor Jianjun Wangof Southwest University was invited to our college andgave an academic report entitled low-tubal-rank Tensor Analysis.In the report, professor Wang introduced low-tubal-rank tensor analysis in detail, and then presented theoretical and algorithm-based results on tensor restoration and tensor robust principal component analysis.

Jianjun Wang, Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor, CSIAM nationwide data and artificial intelligence expert committee, vice director of Chongqing industrial and applied mathematics, mathematical reviews commentator in the United States, director of Chongqing mathematical society, academic leaders, key disciplines of statistics in Chongqing technical academic leader in Chongqing, Southwest University, head of the statistics PhD level discipline, "in the first persons to declare the achievements of the complex structured sparse high-dimensional data modeling method and algorithm of won the third prize of natural science in Chongqing, southwest university, vice President of the institute of artificial intelligence. His main research interests are: high-dimensional data modeling, machine learning (deep learning), data mining, compressed sensing, tensor analysis, function approximation theory, etc. There is some academic accumulation in neural network approximation complexity and sparse approximation. Presided over and completed 4 national natural science funds, 1 science and technology key project of the ministry of education, 1 natural science fund of Chongqing municipality, and 8 national natural and social science funds. He is now in charge of a general program of the national natural science foundation of China, a program of the national key basic research and development "973" program, and has attended many international and domestic important academic conferences, and has been invited to make a special report on the conference for 16 times. More than 80 academic papers have been published in Neural Networks, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing letters, Neurocomputing, science of China (series A,F), journal of mathematics, journal of computer science, journal of electronics and other professional journals, among which 65 have been retrieved by SCI and EI.IEEE Trans. Signal Process, image Process, Neural Networks and learning system, IEEE and other series of journals, Signal Processing, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognization, computer journal, electronic journal, mathematical journal and other famous journal reviewers.