Basic information
Name:Jing Mao
Position: Professor
Gender: Male Birthday: 08.06.1984
Birthplace: Jianli, Hubei Province,China
Degree: Ph.D.
E-mail: jiner120@163.com, jiner120@tom.com
B.S. inPure and Applied Mathematics, Hubei University (CHINA)
Duration: September 2000 – June 2004
M.S. in Pure Mathematics, Hubei University (CHINA)
Duration: September 2006 – June 2009
Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Lisbon (PORTUGAL)
Duration: January 2010 – March 2013
Current research interests
Geometric evolution equations on Riemannian manifolds
Global Differential Geometry
Spectral Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds
Minimal Surfaces and Overdetermined Elliptic Problems
Functional/Geometric inequalities on manifolds and their applications
Research areas which I am also interested in
Mathematical teacher of Wuhan Senior Middle School
Duration: September 2004 - July 2006
Associate professor
Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai
Duration: May 2013 - July 2016
Postdoctoral research fellow
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil
Duration: April 2014-March 2015
Collaborator: Prof. José Espinar (J. Simons Chair in IMPA)
Professor,Hubei University
Duration: September 2016 - Present
26. Jing Mao,Monotonicity of the first eigenvalue of the Laplace and the p-Laplace operators under a forced mean curvature flow, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, to appear.
25. Lan-Bao Hou and Jing Mao,The principle of numerical calculations for the eigenvalue comparison on parameterized surfaces, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications38 (2018) 58-62.
24. Li Chen and Jing Mao,Non-parametric inverse curvature flows in the AdS-Schwarzschild manifold, TheJournalof Geometric Analysis 28 (2018) 921-949.
23. José Espinar and Jing Mao,Extremal domains on Hadamard manifolds, Journal of Differential Equations 265 (2018) 2671-2707.
22. Feng Du and Jing Mao,Estimates for the first eigenvalue of the drifting Laplace and the p-Laplace operators on submanifolds with bounded mean curvature, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 456 (2017) 787-795.
21. Jing Mao and Ni Xiang,Estimates for the first eigenvalue of the drifting Laplacian on embedded hypersurfaces, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, to appear.
20. Feng Du, Jing Mao, Qiao-Ling Wang and Chuan-Xi Wu,Eigenvalue inequalities for the buckling problem of the drifting Laplacian on Ricci solitons, Journal of Differential Equations 260 (2016) 5533-5564.
19. Jing Mao,The Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities and manifolds with non-negative weighted Ricci curvature, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 70 (1) (2016) 29-46.
18. Jing Mao,Volume comparison theorems for manifolds with radial curvature bounded, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 66 (1) (2016) 71-86.
17. Feng Du, Jing Mao, Qiao-Ling Wang and Chuan-Xi Wu,Universal inequalities of the poly-drifting Laplacian on the Gaussian and cylinder shrinking solitons,Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry48 (3) (2015) 255-268.
16. Jing Mao,A new way to Dirichlet problem for minimal surface system in arbitrary dimensions and codimensions, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 69 (1) (2015) 1-9.
15. Feng Du and Jing Mao,Reilly-type inequalities for the p-Laplacian on compact Riemannian manifolds, Frontiers of Mathematics inChina10 (3) (2015) 583-594.
14. Feng Du, Yanli Li and Jing Mao,Eigenvalue inequalities of the Schrödinger-type operator on bounded domains in strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 52 (1) (2015) 223-238.
13. Feng Du and Jing Mao,Hardy and Rellich type inequalities on metric measure spaces,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 429 (1) (2015) 354-365.
12. Xin Chen, Li-Juan Cheng and Jing Mao,A probabilistic method for gradient estimates of some geometric flows, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (6) (2015) 2295-2315.
11. Jing Mao,The Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities and manifolds with non-negative weighted Ricci curvature, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 428 (2) (2015) 866-881.
10. Pedro Freitas, Jing Mao and Isabel Salavessa,Spherical symmetrization and the first eigenvalue of geodesic disks on manifolds, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 51 (2014) 701-724.
9. Jing Mao,Eigenvalue inequalities for the p-Laplacian on a Riemannian manifold and estimates for the heat kernel, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 101 (3) (2014) 372-393.
8. Jing Mao,A class of rotationally symmetric quantum layers of dimension 4, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 397 (2) (2013) 791-799.
7. Jing Mao and Lanbao Hou,Spectral inequalities of the Laplacian on a curved tube with varying cross section, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 28 (1) (2013) 177-181.
6. Guang-Han Li, Jing Mao and Chuan-Xi Wu,Convex mean curvature flow with a forcing term in direction of the position vector,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series28 (2) (2012) 313-332.
5. Jing Mao,Open manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature and collapsing volume, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 66 (2) (2012) 509-516.
4. Jing Mao,Forced hyperbolic mean curvature flow, Kodai Mathematical Journal35 (3) (2012) 500-522.
3. Jing Mao,Deforming two-dimensional graphs in R4 by forced mean curvature flow, Kodai Mathematical Journal 35 (3) (2012) 523-531.
2. Jing Mao and Shaodong Qin,On pinching theorems for compact pseudo-umbilical submanifold,Demonstratio MathematicaXLV (2012) 645-654.
1. Jing Mao, Guang-Han Li and Chuan-Xi Wu,Entire graphs under a general flow, Demonstratio Mathematica XLII (2009) 631-640.
1. Jing Mao, Feng Du and Chuan-Xi Wu, Eigenvalue Problems on Manifolds, Science Press, 2017.
The NSF ofChina(Grant No. 11401131)
Duration: 01/2015-12/2017
CNPq-Brazil (Grant No. 150033/2014-1)
Duration: 2014/04-2015/03
The Fok-Ying Tung Education Foundation (China)
Duration: 03/2018-03/2021